Student Life at EEC

Values and Ethics

Respect for Diversity

We create an inclusive and hospitable atmosphere, where individuals with diverse backgrounds, cultures, and viewpoints feel esteemed and honored. This encompasses celebrating distinctions, fostering intercultural comprehension, and furnishing prospects for discussions and partnerships among varied groups.


Non-discrimination embodies treating all persons with impartiality and fairness, irrespective of traits such as race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. Everest Engineering College firmly adheres to the principle of non-discrimination.

Academic Integrity:

Academic integrity is a cornerstone of an educational institution's credibility. It involves upholding honesty, ethical conduct, and intellectual probity in all academic endeavors. This encompasses avoiding plagiarism, cheating, manipulation of data, and other deceptive practices.

Zero Tolerance for Harassment:

Everest Engineering College is dedicated to creating a secure and respectful learning environment, underscored by a stringent stance against harassment, bullying, and any form of coercion.


Regular classes are conducted from morning 7.00AM to afternoon 2.00PM. Our effective classroom methodology will be one or combination of following strategies

Active learning:

We implement active learning by providing students with opportunities to participate in activities, such as group discussions, problem-solving exercises, and simulations. Active learning has been shown to be more effective than passive learning, such as lectures, in helping students retain information and develop critical thinking skills.

Problem-based learning:

Problem-based learning is a student-centered pedagogy in which students learn about a subject by working in groups to solve an open-ended problem. PBL is based on the idea that students learn best by solving problems that are relevant to their lives and interests.

Project-based learning:

Project-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered instructional approach in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex question, problem, or challenge.

Collaborative learning:

This type of learning involves students working together to learn. Collaborative learning has been proven very effective in helping students develop teamwork skills and learn from each other.

Instructor-led discussions:

This type of learning involves the instructor leading a discussion on a particular topic. Instructor-led discussions are a great way to help students learn the content and get their questions answered.


We provide opportunities to do research in group/individual under our faculty members. This is a great way to get involved in your field and learn more about a specific topic and develop the writing papers and publication skill and idea of your work. Many of our undergraduate students have participated in the international conference as presenters.

Extracurricular activities


Sport activity is one of our focused extracurricular activities. We provide students with a variety of sports activities to participate in during their leisure time, and we organize a grand annual sports meet every year.

Clubs/Special Interest Groups (SIGs):

There are many different clubs and special interest groups in the college, covering a wide range of interests.You can benefit from these clubs and groups by working in the group and participating in various events by these groups. SIG and clubs helps students Knowledge sharing, idea building and working in team.

Make new friends:

One of the best things about joining clubs and SIGs is that you get to meet new people who share your interests. This is a great way to make friends and build a support network.

Learn new skills:

Many clubs offer opportunities to learn new skills, such as leadership, teamwork, and communication. These skills can be valuable in both your college career and your future career.

Get involved in college:

Joining clubs is a great way to get involved in college and make a difference in your community. You can get involved in social justice, environmentalism, or any other cause that you care about.

Have fun:

Clubs are a great way to have fun and relax outside of class. You can participate in activities that you enjoy, such as sports, games, or music.

Boost your resume:

Joining clubs can help you boost your resume and make you a more competitive job applicant. Employers are looking for candidates who are involved and have leadership skills.

Develop your leadership skills:

Many clubs offer leadership opportunities, such as being a president, vice president, or coordinator to lead. These opportunities can help you develop your leadership skills, which are valuable in both your college career and your future career.

Explore your interests:

Clubs are a great way to explore your interests and find out what you're passionate about. You can join clubs that are related to your major, your hobbies, or your social interests.

Get to know your professors:

Many clubs have faculty advisors who are experts in the field. This is a great way to get to know your professors and get advice on your academic career.

Personal development


College days are the time to grow and learn about yourself. You will be challenged academically, but you will also have the opportunity to explore your interests and talents.


You can develop your leadership skills by getting involved in student government or a club.


You will need to learn how to live independently in college. This includes managing your time, budget, and chores.

Get involved:

There are many different ways to get involved on campus. Find something that interests you and get involved!

Meet new people:

College days is a great time to meet and interact with new people or just strike up a conversation with someone in your class.

Take care of yourself:

It is important to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and exercise regularly.